Monday, July 5, 2010


So, Taylor had this rare opportunity to take a tour of ESPN, which is only about an hour from where we live. He absolutely loved it, he said it was really awesome. Yes! It is actually Taylor in this picture of Sports Center!! Doesn't he look so natural sitting in those famous seats?!

While I'm talking about Taylor, I just wanted to say how great of a dad he is! I know it's not Father's Day anymore, but here is my Father's Day post! I've posted this picture before, but I love it of these three cute boys.

They sure love it when he plays with them.

And smushes them with pillows.

And poses in their cowboy hats.

And makes them DELICIOUS breakfast omlets.

As busy as he is, I love that he tries to spend lots of time with Caden and Tyson and they sure enjoy that time, thanks for being such a great dad!!


Mikelle and Ben said...

How fun! That's awesome that Taylor got to tour the ESPN studio! I bet it was fun. And those omelets look super yummy!!! :)

Angie said...

Wow! Send an omlet our way!! That looks delicious. Taylor is a great dad, I agree. Addie sure like him alot.