Friday, November 21, 2008


Taylor's been teaching Caden some tricks lately, this one is called "chest-bumps".
Caden loves his baby brother, he likes to give him hugs and kisses, and when he says the prayer he always blesses "baby Tyson", even if we don't remind him to. It's really sweet.

Caden posing like mamma. Every now and then, he'll say that he has a baby in his tummy, too. It's pretty funny.

I really don't like showing pictures of just myself, but I decided I should show the full, as my brother's call me, "Liz-a-potamus", for my friends and family who live farther away and don't see me very often. This is me with a six-month supply of chocolate for, um... the baby. It's truly amazing how strong my cravings have been. At this moment, as I am posting, I'm snacking on chocolate-peanut butter fudge, mmm...yum.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I know, I know. It's been forever. A lot has happened since the last post! One exciting thing is that Caden got to go "trick or treating" for his first time ever! I'm not sure if it was more fun for him to dress up as Curious George and get lot's of candy, or for me to watch his excitement (and cuteness) as he realizes that all this candy that everyone is so generously handing out to him, is for him to keep and eat all to himself! The only sad thing was that Taylor couldn't be there, he had to work that night.

These are some of Caden's friends that we went with, Hallie and Porter. Caden sure likes his friends.

I think this look says it all!