Monday, July 13, 2009

We're back!!

A lot has happened since the last time I posted! Most importantly, our sweet little Caden had a big birthday!! He turned three years old on the 15th of June. It was really fun celebrating his birthday this year since he's actually old enough to understand what's going on. We are so grateful to have Caden in our family, he is such a wonderful boy and has been a great blessing in our lives. This is the first time I've tried to add a video to the blog, I hope it works, (it's at the bottom of the post) Caden was really cute singing happy birthday to himself as he was waiting to blow out his candles so he could eat his cake, hope you enjoy! These pictures are in a random order, but I wanted to show off my three cute guys!!
This is Taylor and I trying our first tomatoes from our garden! They were so delicious, and we're also getting lots of zuchini squash, yay!! We're so glad that it worked :)

An update on our lives right now: We're in the middle of getting graduate school figured out for January, we still don't know what's going to happen yet, so were waiting and trying to prepare right now. Tyson is about 18 lbs at 5 months old (which, funny enough, is as much as Caden weighed when he turned one year old!) and he just rolled over for the first time a few days ago, pretty exciting. We call him Tyson the tiger because he growels so much, it's cute! Caden still has so much energy and is suprising us every day with his vocabulary and loves to sing alot. He makes me laugh so much. Yesterday we told him that we're going to church so he needs to go put on some "nice" cloths, and he just looked at us and said, "but I want to put on some mean cloths!" hahaha!

The fruits of our labor. It's been fun to actually get something out of our garden.



Harmony said...

Such a cute video! I can't believe he's 3 already! The kids are just growing right up! Good luck with the grad school stuff and let us know where you are going!

Mikelle and Ben said...

That is so cute! I love the football cake! That's so cool that you're getting vegetables from your garden! You guys are such a cute family!!!!!