Wednesday, June 3, 2009


As some of you know, we're renting our house right now, so we're not here longterm and we're going to graduate school hopefully in January. However, we really wanted to try and have a garden for this summer. Neither of us have ever gardened before and we wanted to try just for fun, so my talented husband built these boxes and did all this landscaping and we planted some tomatoes, squash, peppers, strawberries and flowers. We really have no idea what we're doing, so we may never get any veggies from it, but at least we had the experience and maybe we'll learn what to do better when we have our own house someday.
Taylor has worked so hard to get our yard looking good, he really enjoys it, and as you can see Caden wants to be just like him. He followed Taylor around the entire backyard and frontyard just mowing along beside him, it was so cute!

So, Caden has been trying to refuse his naps lately and as a result this is what happens when we tell him to sit down for dinner! Yes, he honestly just fell asleep trying to get in his seat it was so funny!! ( I promise that my child DOES wear cloths sometimes, I know that a lot of the pictures I post are of him without a shirt on, after he eats anything he usually takes it off because he got it dirty or wet while eating and I can never get him to put it back on! Should I go back to putting a bip on him at almost 3 years old??!?)


Mikelle and Ben said...

That is so hilarious! I wonder why kids don't want to take naps! At this point in my life, I'm begging to take naps!

PS- I love your little garden boxes! I want to build some now, too!

Unknown said...

hey those are so cute . we are friends of Hannahs. Will you tell her TAYLYNN & BOBBIE SAID HI. I wish i was so motivated to take naps too. My mom probaly wished she had your kids. Keep up the good videos and pics.