Saturday, February 28, 2009

So Fast!

Time has gone by so fast since Tyson was born. I can't believe how fast they grow when they are so little. He has already gained over a pound.

Life has been wonderful, (and tiring at times) but we have definitely been counting our blessings.

Our very talented neighbor, Tynelle, has taken these pictures of Tyson when he was one week old.

You would think she had a studio or something, but she just took them in about 10 minutes while I was at her house one time and they turned out so well!


Mikelle and Ben said...

Oh my goodness he is getting big already! He is such a cutie! It's funny that he looks nothing like Caden!

Heather said...

He's gorgeous, I'm obviously behind on blog checking since I was just wondering if you'd had him yet or not. I check the class blog semi regularly but forget to check individual blogs.


Amanda Calli said...

Congrats Liz!