Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baby Boy!

Yes! We can now post again!! Our new laptop arrived just a little bit ago, horray! Anyway, since our last post, we had our mid-pregnancy ultrasound, and found out that we are having another boy! We are really excited. It will be nice because we already have almost everything we need for a boy. That way we don't have to buy much.

Caden absolutely loves the Wii. His favorite game right now is boxing. He is hilarious when he really gets into it! We just had to video tape him the other day, even though he was only in his diaper. It was just so funny!


Mer said...

Congrats on another boy! Caden is sooooo adorable. Yea for improving the gene pool!

Mardi and Jeremey said...

That is too cute! Another boy! Congrats! That makes it easy.

The Chizel Family said...

cade looks so cute in those pics! I can't believe how fast he is growing up

Caytee said...

Yea CONGRATS! Another boy eh? That's wonderful!

Jen & Matt Rigby said...

Tay, what've I told you about taking pictures of yourself and posting them about Caden? No more!Just kidding, I like his boxing stance.