Friday, April 23, 2010


Here are some updated pictures of our sweet Tyson. He is growing up so fast, it's fun to see him doing things that I remember Caden used to do. Yet he's a lot different too, he's definitely our cuddler. He'll just come up to you and give you a soft hug and lay his head on your shoulder for a minute and then he's on his way again. Then he'll be back a few minutes later to do the same thing, it's sweet. But his favorite thing to do right now is climb. If I hear him laughing really hard somewhere, it usually means he's climbed up on something that he probably shouldn't have, I've had to watch him really carefully lately!

The End!

1 comment:

Kylee Michele said...

ahh we miss you guys so much!!! i love seeing pictures of your cute little boys, i cant believe how much they have grown, especially tyson! he's like not even a baby anymore but a cute little toddler, time flies!! well i hope everything is going great, hope to see you sometime soon!!! love you!!